You’ve just launched your business’s first website, and you can’t wait to show it off to the world. But when you start looking at search engine results, you notice something odd – there are other companies with websites that are ranking better than yours, and you are not anymore first on google, even though they don’t have as much content or authority as you do. What’s going on? This article will help you understand why this happens, and what you can do about it.
The Importance of Being First on Google
Given that 70% of users don’t click past the first page of search results, there is no understating the importance of a great ranking strategy for your business. Let’s discuss just some of the reasons why you’re never first on Google—and what you can do about it!
Google’s search engine has an estimated 90 percent share of the search engine market in the United States and a global market share of over 50 percent, so it’s no surprise that marketers dream of being ranked first on Google. However, there is a key factor at play when it comes to how your website ranks in search results, and it comes down to PPC campaigns.
If you are looking for a competitive edge in search engine rankings, then you need to know what it takes to be first on Google. There are many factors that go into being first on Google and one of them is being willing to spend money on PPC (pay-per-click) ads.
What is PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Advertising?
Pay per click advertising is a form of online advertising that allows advertisers to only pay when their advertisement is clicked.
This type of advertising is commonly used as an alternative to banner ads, which are typically placed across the top or bottom of a webpage.
What Does PPC Advertising Achieve For Your Business?
The first thing to understand about PPC is that it’s not just a tool for driving traffic to your site. The keywords you use in your ads can affect your rankings in search engines.
Let’s say you have a website that offers small business loans, and you’ve set up an ad campaign with the keyword small business loans. By running an ad campaign, you’ll also be showing up higher in searches for things like small business or loans because of the keywords you’re using.
The major advantage of pay per click advertising is that it allows you to find out exactly how successful your campaign was.
How PPC Campaigns Can Affect Your Rankings
The first google listings are usually paid-per-click (PPC) ads, and PPC ads don’t necessarily correlate with the best or most popular content.
PPC campaigns always occupy the first part of the search results and the reason you are most likely not showing up on Google first is because you simply haven’t paid to be shown in that spot!
The solution is simple: invest in some high quality PPC campaigns for your business and watch your leads skyrocket.
PPC can be an incredibly cost effective form of advertising – because you only pay each time a potential customer engages with your brand
How to Improve Your Google rankings
In order to improve your rankings, you need to understand how the search engine algorithms work.
There are many different factors that go into determining your ranking and you can’t change all of them, but there are a few things that you can do to increase your chances for higher rankings.
Optimize for keywords and phrases.
If people don’t know what they want when they google it, they will never find you. So make sure that your site is optimized so that it appears first in the results.
Go global with international websites and focus your attention on each geography you cater to.
Have good user experience (UX) design
Google is constantly updating its algorithm to show the most relevant and authoritative results. This means that you need to not only be aware of what your potential customers are searching for, but also what they are clicking on after they land on your site.
When it comes to UX design, you want a process that is both intuitive and user-friendly. One way to do this is with an interactive map that helps people find their desired destination in an easy and straightforward manner.
When someone clicks a point on the map, it will bring up a list of nearby businesses that meet those search criteria; this allows users to easily find what they’re looking for without having to scroll through an endless list of entries or rely solely on text-based searches.
And lastly, make sure your website loads fast
Create great content on your blog regularly
Getting to the top of search engine results pages is not easy. There are many factors that determine how well your content ranks in search engines, such as: the words you use, the length of your content, and the quality of your website.
Regardless of all this though, you will never be first in a google search if you don’t have pay-per-click campaigns running alongside your SEO campaign.
Should Your Business Try PPC?
PPC marketing campaigns are one of the best ways to rank highly in search engine results pages (SERPs). There are a number of different types of PPC, and each has a different purpose.
They can be used to drive qualified traffic to your site or website landing pages, increase sales for your products, or raise awareness for your brand. All these benefits are reasons why you should have a PPC strategy as part of your marketing plan.
As with any strategy, there are pros and cons that come with PPC. The main disadvantage is that it may cost more up front than other methods because you need to pay every time someone clicks on an ad which can be expensive if they don’t convert into customers.
But if you have the experts taking care of your campaign, you can rest assured they know what they are doing and will get you the results you are after.
The truth is, there are a number of factors that influence your rank in search engine result pages. There’s no way to get around the fact that you’ll need to spend money to get those top rankings.
But if you want them, you can find ways to optimize your PPC campaigns and SEO efforts so that they work together.